Spanish Lesson plan - Latin America and Alphabet
Interactive 5E lesson plans intended for grades 7-9 Spanish classes using the NSC (National Standard Curriculum). The plans have been used in classes containing 25-30 students. The plans are simplified so as to cater to learners at their grade level and those below. These plans are simple and student-centered. Suitable for use in Caribbean territories and can be readily adopted for secondary education students worldwide.
Unit: El Mundo Hispano
Topic: Países de América Latina y Los Alfabetos
Attainment Target: Students should show they understand the language aided by repetition while participating in short structured conversations.
Specific Objective:
Week 1:
At the end of a guided discussion, students should be able to
● State at least three (3) reasons why it is important to study Spanish.
● Identify and name at least five (5) Spanish Speaking countries and corresponding capitals
Week 2
At the end of a video presentation, students should be able to:
● Pronounce correctly at least 80% of the letters in the Spanish alphabet
● Call at least 80% of the letters in Spanish by their Spanish name
Categories that apply:
· Español - Spanish as a Foreign Language
· 5E – Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
· 4 Cs – Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication
· CSEC – Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate
· NSC – National Standard Curriculum
· CXC – Caribbean Examination Council
. High School in Jamaica - ages 12 to 15 years Jamaican pre-teens and teenagers (teens)
. Blended learning
Instructions for use:
Proceed to the Checkout screen to view instructions for use.
An editable copy of the 5E Spanish lesson plan for personal and professional use only. This copy can be edited with a compatible version of Microsoft Word Processor.