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P.E.P. Out of The Box - Mathematics Resources

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Other Book titles in the series:

  • MatheMagics - General Mathematics
  • Arithmetic and Logic
  • Algebra Sharpener for PEP
  • PEP in Tables, Diagrams and Graphs
  • Mathematics Activity Book for PEP

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Categories that apply:

· Mathematics Education; Mathematics Resources; Instructional; Practice; Questions

·  4 Cs – Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication

· P.E.P. - PEP (Primary Exit Profile) exam preparation

· Elementary and Junior High - Grades 4, 5, 6 (Caribbean)

· Homeschooling - Homeschooler, study from home, learn from home

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Last updated Oct 14, 2023

102+ page paperback by Richard James Mathematics Resources

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P.E.P. Out of The Box - Mathematics Resources

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